
4 Football basics for all

Learn the rules and basics of the most popular sport in the world: football! Find out how to set up a game and the essential equipment needed.


Football is the world's most popular sport both in numbers of players and spectators. Football can be played anywhere and by anyone no matter the age, gender or type of ability! The biggest advantage it can be played anywhere. Football can be played on playing fields, pitches, courts, streets, parks or even beaches.

According to FIFA's Big Count survey in 2006, there were 265 million players actively involved in soccer around the world, roughly about 4 percent of the world's population. It's not practiced or dominated by one particular country. This universality in the nature of the game, the fact that it goes beyond any kind of cultural or religious boundaries makes it a very special game. And for those who don't yet, you can learn to play in no time.


Rules of football

Matches are 11-a-side, with 10 outfield players who cannot use their hands and 1 goalkeeper who is allowed to catch the ball inside the penalty area. Games are split into two 45-minute halves and the winner is whoever scores more goals than their opponent in the given time. To score, you have to send the ball into your opponent's goal.

The offside rule is what spices things up: you cannot be closer to the goal than the last opposing defender when receiving the ball from your teammates. In order to enjoy a game of football, it is recommended for players to know a few basic skills of football that will help them enjoy the game.



The most fundamental skills of a football game is passing. Footballers use their feet or sometimes their heads to pass the ball to their teammates. The purpose of passing the ball is to keep posession so your opponents willl have a lower chance of scoring against your team. Passing is also used to bring the ball forward towards your opponent’s goal, which is essential if your team wants to score a goal.

To do a simple pass, follow the following steps: Stand on one foot and use the other to kick the ball. Place the foot you're standing on level with the ball, around 20 cm to the left if you're right-handed. It should be facing your target. It's also important that your shoulders are facing your target. Kick the ball with the flat of your foot, in other words, the inside. To do so, turn your foot out and aim to kick the ball with the central part. Bend the leg you're standing on and turn your other leg side-on. This will give you better stability and a more fluid movement.



The most basic skill for football is dribbling with the ball. This helps you keep the ball in possession if there are no options to pass it to your teammates. Dribbling is essentially running with the ball at your feet but it is not as simple as it sounds.

Dribbling requires good control, balance and coordination. To get used to dribbling, move up and down the pitch with the ball in possession and maintain your control. A good dribbler can move the ball in multiple directions at various pace. The trick is to maneuver past the opponent at a smooth pace without losing possession of the ball.


Your initial practice can start by going to open spaces and practicing your dribble back and forth. Dribble toward a direction with one-foot, turn around and then dribble back with your opposite foot.To get used to different types of touches, turn your body to the side and do the same thing. As and when you get more comfortable, gradually increase your dribbling pace while keeping the ball under control.



A perfect shot always ends up in goal as a perfect goal. Sometimes an imperfect one ends up in goal too. In football, if you don’t shoot, you will not score so it is essential to always try and shoot when the opportunity arises. Shooting is the act of hitting the ball to the opponent’s goal, either using your feet or your head. At the end of the day, goals help your team win so do practise your shooting in games!



Tackling is the act of removing the ball from your opponent’s possession. It’s important to tackle cleanly to not give away a foul. This means you’ll have to tackle the ball without your opponents falling down.~~In most football matches, each player has a direct opponent, in other words they have a player they have to mark and defend against,when their team does not have possession of the ball. Always position yourself between your opponent and the goal you are protecting. Stay around two metres from them. Move back when they move forwards through bending your legs and angling yourself at at a 45 degree angle to them. Keep your focus on the ball.


Be ready to intervene if your opponent leaves too large a distance between themselves and the ball in order to intercept or clear it away. Note which is the preferred foot of your opponent. Once you have identified it, angle yourself at 45 degrees on the side of their strong footing order to force them to dribble the ball with their weaker foot. The situation will become much less dangerous for your team! Now you know how to defend properly in football!


Simarpreet kaur

Digital sport leader hiking

I was never a fan of the outdoors until I started hiking in my teenage years!

Now, most of my trips and plans involve hiking and it allows me to clear my mind and enjoy the views that I witness at the end! :)