The Dancer’s Pose is a more advanced pose that creates more openness for the shoulders and legs whilst balancing on one foot. Feel free to try this pose, but as with every pose, there is no need to rush into perfecting it just yet especially if it's your time.
- Begin while standing, with your feet parallel to the ground, hip-width distance apart
- Slowly place your weight on the right grounded leg and bend the knee of the left leg as you lift your heel towards your buttocks
- Stand straight and strong
- Option 1: Without a yoga strap, reach back with your left hand and grasp the outside of your left foot.
- Option 2: With a yoga strap, loop the strap around the left foot and use your left hand to lift your foot upwards.
- Using either method, raise the sole of your foot to the sky, away from the torso and, with this action, open your chest forward.
- Ensure that your leg is not splayed outwards; keep it in line with your hip and pointing downwards by actively pointing your tailbone downwards to the ground
- For a greater challenge, stretch your right arm forward, in front of your torso, parallel to the floor
Remember to repeat for the same length of time on the other side to balance out the body!