Muscle Building vs Cross Training

Muscle building vs. cross training

Uncover the difference between Muscle Building and Cross Training with me! Maybe you can find the one perfect for you.

Muscle building and cross training are often viewed to just be forms of exercises in the gym, and unless you participate in either sport, you will hardly know the difference between the two.

Well, it’s about time we clear the air and understand the difference! Maybe this will help you in deciding between the two as well.

The main differences between the two can be found above, and at a glance, some words might seem similar but read them carefully!~In an essence, muscle building has limited variety of movements as it a zone body workout which concentrates on a specific area of the body. While cross training involves typically involves 10 exercises done at high speed intervals, allowing for a full body workout.

To further uncover the difference between the two sports, I will break down the different components found in each one of them.

Cross training 

During a cross training session, there will typically be 10 key physical exercises that will take place.

The aim of the session is to condition your body to these workouts and, at the same time, build your stamina, muscles and facilitate weight loss.

Cross training is done in high interval training which means a burst of exercise in a specific time period, with short interval breaks. And most of the times, these exercises are explosive and requires high intensity.

Whether you’re a beginner or advanced in cross training, each session will be gruelling and will definitely exhaust you, but that’s worth the satisfaction you gain at the end!

Muscle building

Muscle Building, on the other hand, varies in intensity based on one’s experience levels.

There are three main sources of weights that muscle builders can use:

1. Body Weight → practice using one’s own body weight to create resistance.
2. Guided Loads → for a targeted and secured workout.
3. Free Weights → ideal to build muscle mass and muscle volume.

Both bodyweight and guided loads can be used by everyone, beginner, confirmed, and expert users. But the type of exercise will vary, including the reps and sets!

A great point to remember for guided loads, if you’re a beginner, is to start off small always. Concentrate on your form before increasing your reps, sets and weights.

Always remember to prioritise your form before increasing the intensity to ensure you’re always safe from injuries. For free weights, there are different stages for those with different experience levels. Check out the short summary below!

We hope this article introduces these two sports and defines the difference between the two!If you’re new to the sport, feel free to pick the one which is most suitable for you.
Always remember to keep your health and safety a priority!

 Simarpreet Kaur

Simarpreet kaur

Digital sport leader hiking

Growing up, I was never a fan of the outdoors, but that all changed when I started hiking in my teenage years! Now, most of my trips and plans involve hiking and it allows me to clear my mind and enjoy the views that I witness at the end! :)