1. Build a perfect swing
Your swing is the basis of your game. It can sometimes be overlooked when the call of the great outdoors is too strong to overcome. After all, it's always more enjoyable to play a few holes than to have a technical session at the driving range.
While you can't take the green or the bunker to your living room, you can take the opportunity to work on your swing – albeit indoors! Good news: you don't necessarily need a garden, a practice net nor your clubs to train. With a strong rope, a large blanket and a carpet, you are the proud owner of a home practice net.
You can try to install it indoors if you have enough space, but beware, safety is paramount.
If you do not want to use golf clubs, that’s alright. It is quite possible to work your swing with a stick, umbrella, or tennis racket. You will not hit balls, of course, but take this time to dwell on pure technique. Sit in front of a mirror, or better, film yourself, preferably in slow motion. Swing empty, at different speeds, break down the movement. You do have time to build a better swing, take advantage of it!