Improve your flexibility with yoga 

Yoga is a gentle form of movement, but very effective for both women and men. The quiet alternation of effort and relaxation works wonders on stiff calves, stiff hamstrings, tired knees and lower back pain. Farewell to short and tense muscles, welcome to flexibility! You will automatically find your balance and anchor. You will be able to center yourself firmly in your body and improve your poses. It is also very useful to avoid injuries.


Do not be mistaken. This enjoyable and uncompressed physical activity may seem easy compared to running, but yoga is an intense workout that will help you develop strength. Both muscular and mental.
The yoga positions invite you to sometimes give up literally. Breathing calmly and deeply is part of it. So it's a good aerobic workout. And you eliminate stress, nervousness and worry to make room for trust and concentration.A beautiful conscious flow to run fully in the present and enjoy it fully.

Begin with your feet



Your toes, especially the big ones, are important and faithful allies when you run. Give them special attention. Sit on your yoga mat, legs outstretched. Lean forward, back and neck straight, and with both hands, pull your toes towards you while taking a relaxed look in front of you. If this still requires too much effort, help yourself with a yoga strap.



Nothing is more pleasant than a foot massage. Give yourself this pleasure, you can do it every day. Knead each area gently and carefully. Or alternately place your feet on a tennis ball and roll it back and forth with gentle pressure. You will do well to your toes, the tip of your foot and your arch and your heel. Do not hesitate to do so, because supple, happy and well-heated feet run better.



Avoid plantar fasciitis, also known as the jogger's heel. Stretch the muscles of the arch to better irrigate the tissues. Get on all fours and put the tips of your toes on your yoga mat. Slowly move the weight of the hips back to sit on your heels. Hold hands on the carpet until you feel comfortable in this pose. Bring the upper body upright and put your hands on your thighs, palms up.

Relax your hips



This position Anjaneyasana seems more difficult than it is. This half-upright hip opening provides a pleasant stretch of hard-to-reach areas. Bend your right leg in front of you while placing your shin, foot, and knee on the floor behind you. Straighten the pelvis to the top of your left knee.
Note: relax the lower back. Place your right hand on your right thigh. Extend your left arm over your head and then tilt to the right. You will feel the side of your left hip. Change sides and repeat the exercise.



This spinning exercise is good for working three sensitive areas in the runner: vertebrae, shoulders and pelvis. It is particularly beneficial in case of pain in the lower back. Sit on your carpet. Bring your legs, knees bent, to the right. Place the right leg on the left knee. Inhale slowly while straightening your rib cage, exhale by turning the bust to the right. Put your left hand on your right knee and place your right hand on the ground behind you. Continue to inhale and exhale deeply in full consciousness. Switch sides and do the exercise again.



This position also allows you to stretch the hamstrings and quads. Lie on your stomach on your yoga mat. Then position yourself with your hands under the shoulders and toes bent on the carpet. Bring your head back, look up while gently lifting your knees off the ground until they are lined up with your back and feet. Keep the position by breathing calmly. Return slowly to the starting position. Rest a few moments and repeat the exercise.

Don't forget about your legs



The position Utkatasana strengthens the muscles of the knees and ankles. These will be better protected during the race. Stand up straight. Feet apart from the width of the shoulders. Join hands and stretch arms overhead, looking up at the sky. At the same time, tilt the pelvis forward and bend your knees while bringing the buttocks back. Stay in this position and then return to a standing position. Rest a few moments and repeat the exercise.



The position of the tree is a good exercise to strengthen the legs and ankles and promote balance. A significant element during the race - especially in the slopes, during urban trails and during major competitions with many participants.
Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart, knees unlocked, feet firmly anchored. To help you, imagine that you have strong roots. Join both hands in front of the chest. Elbows and relaxed shoulders. Concentrate and place the sole of the left foot against the inside of the right thigh. If it's still too difficult, you can also place the foot under the knee. Look straight ahead and breathe deeply with your stomach. Rest your foot on the ground. Repeat on the other side. Ideal for coordination between the two hemispheres of the brain.



The posture of the garland can help you soften calves or Achilles heels that are too short or stiff. Place your feet far enough apart, slightly pointed outward. Crouch down, bringing the bust between the knees. Gather the arms in your back and stretch them up or down. Your calves protest too much? Place a small paper towel folded under your heels. As soon as your calves cooperate better, fold the towel in half. You will arrive soon without a towel.

Now it's your turn

Hold each position for about 30 seconds or for five deep abdominal breaths. If you have enough time, repeat each full exercise three times before moving on to the next one. Hold each position for about 30 seconds or for five deep abdominal breaths. If you have enough time, repeat each full exercise three times before moving on to the next one. So much for the theory. It is up to you now to feel the benefits. You can do the following exercise routines as a warm up, to stretch after a race or just between race days. Listen to what your body is asking. And rest assured, there is no overdose of yoga. Hold each position for about 30 seconds or for five deep abdominal breaths. If you have enough time, repeat each full exercise three times before moving on to the next one.