Baby Gym

Workout at home: 6 simple exercises for babies


On my tumtum!

On My TumTum helps to strengthen your tot's head and neck muscles as well as improve their motor skills.

Suitable age: As early as 2 months old.

What you need to do:

- Take a blanket or play mat and place it on the floor for cushioning and lie your baby down on their cute little tummy

- Your baby will rise and move their head off the ground, which helps to strengthen their neck muscles

- Exercise together with them and do a cobra stretch in front of your baby while they are doing this – bonding time with your baby! :)

Flying baby

No worries, your baby will not literally fly!  This next exercise is to focus on strengthening their neck muscles. 

Suitable age: From 2 months onwards. 

What you need to do:

- Carefully hold on to your baby’s body, with their body facing the floor and under your dominant arm

- Ensure that you are fully supporting the baby’s belly and chest

- As they look down and around, they are exercising their neck at the same time. At this point, they will probably feel like they are flying! 

Toy bait

This move promotes development of your baby's hand-eye coordination and balance.

Suitable age: 3 - 4 months onwards. 

What you need to do:

- Grab their favourite soft toy – make sure that it is small enough for their little hands to grab too

- Tie a bright-coloured ribbon to the soft toy 

- Once done, lightly swing the toy bait in front of your baby to make them reach out for it – you will be smiling all the way while doing this!

Baby sit-ups

Babies can do sit-ups too! Sit-ups for babies build balance, strengthen their back, shoulders and core arms. 

Suitable age: After 3 months. 

What you need to do:

- Start by laying your baby down on their back

- Gently and slowly bring their forearms towards you to a sitting position (Note to place your hands behind their shoulders to carefully support their head if your baby is not yet able to do so themselves)

- Take it slow as you may only be able to lift your baby off the floor by an inch or two initially

- Eventually, your baby will get stronger as they grow a little older and one day they will be able to sit up! 

Cycle away!

From the name of this exercise, you would probably guess that this exercise involves your baby’s legs! That’s right, Cycle Away! works your baby’s legs, knees and abs. It also elevates their range of motion and flexibility! 

Suitable age: 3 months onwards

What you need to do:

- Gently place your baby on their back and slowly rotate their legs in a bicycle pedaling motion

- Repeat this movement 3 to 5 times before taking a short break and then continue

- Doing this helps your baby get gas out too

Baby goals

This move improves your baby's ability to hold and grasp. It also aids in their muscle development and hand-eye coordination. 

Suitable age: At least 3-4 months 

What you need to do:

- Collect various toys of different shapes and sizes

- Arrange these toys in front of your baby nicely and encourage them to pick each one up! 

Norarfah Zakaria

Norarfah zakaria

Sport advisor,  decathlon bedok

Babies are our youngest sportsmen. Get them started early!