Suitable for all ages, hiking is highly beneficial for your health!
- Reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.~
According to SingHealth, those aged above 65 are at a higher risk of osteoporosis, 1.5 times for males VS 5 times in females.
- Lower the risk of heart attack/ stroke due to high cholesterol levels.~
A 2010 National Health Survey claims that more than half of adults in Singapore have high cholesterol, increasing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
- Maintenance of your muscle mass.~
An article from The Straits Times states that people in 40s start losing muscle mass at ~7% and effects includes less strength and feeling tired more easily.
- General improvement in your immune system.
- Improved control over management of weight.
- Strengthening core and muscles all over body.
- Lowering blood pressure.
- Increase in flexibility and body coordination.
- Improve sleep quality.
- Reduces the risk of various cancers.