Seasons & Temperatures in South Korea
Unlike our "one season" climate here in sunny Singapore, Korea goes through all 4 seasons throughout the year. Spring (April - June), Summer (July - August), Autumn (September - November) and Winter (December - March). If you have travel plans to Korea for your Holidays this year-end travel season, you'll be experiencing the change in seasons from Autumn to Winter.
Here's what you can expect in terms of Temperature!
October: With Highs of 20s to Lows at around 10ºC. Temperatures here are already starting to be a little chilly in Autumn Korea.
November: As they approach the end of Autumn it starts to get colder. Expect Highs of 15ºC and Lows below 5ºC.
December: Winters in South Korea are known to be extremely cold. December sees the shift into said Winter where the temperatures really starts to dip so expect highs of only 10ºC to Lows in the negatives (around -3ºC).